Student Council Message
On March 11th 2011, we were living in Kesen-cho in Rikizentakata when an earthquake and the subsequent tsunami took away our school, our houses, and many other things. In those days just after the earthquake, we lived in fear of the continuing aftershocks and could only think about meeting those family members and friends whom we hadn’t heard from as soon as possible. While living under those circumstances, we were able to have hope for our lives each day thanks to all the aid and encouragement from people all over Japan. In addition, we started going to school in a borrowed school building, and were able to study and take part in club activities even if it wasn’t as convenient as before.
We are full of gratitude for everyone who gave us aid and encouragement. Thank you! In a school questionnaire, the most popular responses for what students were especially happy to have received were “school uniform”, “stationary supplies”, and “sports equipment”, but they also mentioned “messages received from people all over Japan and the world”, “words encouraging us to hang in there”, and also said “whatever it may be, receiving is the greatest delight.” In the same survey, the most popular comment for how to show their gratitude was “send letters and messages”, but others included “greet people cheerfully”, or “show gratitude by living with a smile.” We found that each of us carries these feelings of gratitude and thinks about ways to express these feelings in our lives.
The student council has decided that our slogan for the first part of the year will be “Never Give Up: Walk On Strong” and we will be planning events and student council activities. Our school building has changed, and everything physical that was a part of Kesen-chu [1] has been lost. However, we want to be certain to pass down our intangible culture—our cheers and songs, the events and activities inherited from our sempai [2]—to the next generation. We don’t know the future and have a lot of concerns, but if we give up, we will come to a halt, so we want everyone to decide to be strong and never give up as we move forward.
The earthquake and tsunami left a deep wound in our hearts, but we were able to learn of the kindness of the people across the nation and the school has been able to come together more strongly and move towards our goals. In composing this declaration to rebuild Kichu [3], we promise to all of the people who sent us aid and encouragement and to ourselves that we will work to rebuild Kichu.
生徒会 気中復興宣言
Never Giver Up ―力強く歩いていこうー
1. An abbreviation for Kesen Junio High School, in which chu is the first kanjicharacter in the word for junior high school or middle school
2.In schools, a sempai is someone in a higher school grade. In clubs especially, they can be a senior mentor who guides their kohai - or junior - as best they can. The sempai/kohai relationship can be loosely connected or strictly enforced depending on circumstances.
3. A nickname for Kesen Junior High School、whose kanji characters are 気仙中学, shortened to 気中, read kichu