Looking Back: This Past Year after the Earthquake is a collection of accounts written by the students of Rikuzentakata City Kesen Junior High School in 2012, one year after the 3.11 Great Eastern Japan Earthquake. In its original Japanese form it was distributed to the families of the children, Rikuzentakata City Hall, and the local library.
In March 2013, a group of teachers belonging to the Learner Development Special Interest Group (LD SIG) of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) visited Rikuzentakata to try to understand what happened on 3.11 and in its aftermath. Among others, the group met with Mr. Musashi Kazutoshi, a local community leader and the head of the school’s PTA at the time, as well as some children from Kesen Junior High School.
After discussing how they might be of service to the children and the school, members of the LD SIG later agreed to translate the Looking Back accounts into English with their students. In total, over 70 English teachers and their students, in many different parts of Japan, worked on this project as translators, editors and proofreaders from January 2014 to February 2015, culminating in the creation of a limited edition printed bilingual collection and this website.
Throughout this outreach project, it has been our sincere wish that the translations pay close respect to the children's original accounts in Japanese. It is also our shared hope the translation into English of Looking Back: This Past Year After the Earthquake extends the Kesen Junior High School children’s Japanese accounts to a wider audience of English readers and supports the children’s wishes for their memories to be protected and their voices heard.
Follow the links below to read the greeting from Kesen Junior High School's student council from the original collection, see the long list of student and teacher contributors who helped finish this project, or view this site's terms of use.
2013年3月、全国語学教育学会 (JALT) 学習者ディベロプメント部会 (LD SIG) の 教師グループが陸前高田市を訪れ、当時気仙中のPTA会長をされ復興活動に幅広くかかわる武蔵和敏氏と気仙中の生徒数名に出会いました。
学 習者ディベロプメント部会が何を提供すれば生徒や学校のためになるかを話し合 い、この文集を英訳することになりました。日本各地から70人以上の英語教師と生徒たちが、このプロジェクトに翻訳、編集、また校正として2014年1月から2015年2月まで携わりました。そしてついに、日英二言語の文集とこのウェブサイトが完成しました。
英訳は生徒たちの日本語の表現に忠実であるよう心掛けています。も との文集は各家庭に配られ、陸前高田市役所と地元の図書館に置かれていますが、今回このように Looking Back: This Past Year after the Earthquakeとして英訳することにより、未曾有の震災を体験した気仙中学校の生徒たち一人一人の記憶と声がさらに広く世界へ届けられるよう、心か ら願っております。