1-09 First-Year Boy
I've learned a lot of things from the earthquake. First of all, I experienced the kindness of many people. At the time of the disaster, everything was swept away, leaving us with no food or school supplies. With things as they were, I didn't think we would be able to survive, nor did I think there would be any way we could go back to school. However, people all over the country were kind enough to send us aid and encouragement, providing us with school bags and textbooks so we could go to school, which we were eventually able to do. Also, I was very happy that my life had become a little more stable.
Secondly, I experienced cooperation. We were left with no electricity or running water. I evacuated to Osabe Elementary School. In the early days, I left everything up to adults and didn't help to carry aid supplies when they arrived. It seemed difficult and if everyone cooperated we'd be able to reduce the time it took to distribute food and things. Plus I was almost in junior high school, so I was able to do things myself. I felt from this disaster that I should actively work hard to cooperate when everyone was pitching in, and this would be a way of repaying the people who were helping us and sending us aid.
We lost many things in the earthquake and tsunami. There are still many people missing and unidentified bodies. For all of the people who died in this disaster and the people who sent us aid and encouragement, I want to stay positive and move forward. To show our thanks, in the future I want to help Rikuzentakata get back on its feet as soon as possible and show its vibrancy to the country. I will appreciate each day, with its classes and club activities, and never forget this event my whole life. I want to show the people around me consideration, kindness, and initiative from now on.
1-09 中1男子
次は、協力です。この震災で、電気や水もストップしました。ぼくは長部小学校に避難していました。最初の頃は、食料物資を渡すとき、全て大人の人に任せてばかりでした。大変そうで、全員が協力すれば食料や物資を配る時間が短縮するし、高学年だったので自分のことは自分でやるし、助けてもらったり支援していただいた人たちへの恩返しのためにも、自分から積極的に、助け合う時は全員が協力して頑張っていこうと、この 震災で感じました。
震災で、たくさんのものが失われました 未だ行方不明者や身元が分からない人たちがたくさんいます。この震災で亡くなった人たちや全国からご支援・ご声援をして下さった皆さんのためにこれからも、前向きに進んでいきたいと思いました。そして恩返しのためにもこの先、 一日でも早く陸前高田市を復興させ全国の皆さんにも元気な姿を見せたいと思います。勉強や部活など 一日一日を大切にして、生涯この震災を忘れないようにしたいです。