今回の大震災による被害と経験は、まだ幼い中学生には想像を絶するほど甚大なものでありましたが、その先人のDNAを汲む気仙中の生徒たちの中にはやはり、大震災での心の大きな傷を抱えながらも夢や希望を決して忘れず、故郷を復興させる思いが 深く伝わって来る文面が多く見受けられます。
元PTA会長 武藏和敏
From the Former PTA President
This is a collection of children’s accounts that students from Rikuzentakata City Kesen Junior High School put together one year after the 3.11 Great Eastern Japan Earthquake. The following year in December 2013, in my official role as president of Kesen Junior High School PTA, and from my strong wish that the disaster-stricken area should not be forgotten and that people’s experiences of the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake should be told to people across the world, I decided to ask the Japan Association of Language Teaching LD SIG to translate the collection into English after being introduced to the LD SIG Co-coordinator by Professor Hideo Nakazawa of Chuo University.
As a result of the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred on March 11th 2011, the city was heavily damaged, and many citizens had their lives and property violently taken away from them.
In that situation, I was really grateful for the many different kinds of support from all over Japan and the whole world. In the face of despair, this gave citizens and students of Kesen Junior High School the strength and courage to live. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude for everyone’s heart-warming kindness.
Three years and seven months on since that great earthquake, and, following the reconstruction plan of Rikuzentakata City, people have gradually started to move from temporary housing to permanent housing in every area, as well as to work on reconstruction.
Although I feel the path to reconstruction is long and unrelenting, in the past this city has overcome crises with an indomitable spirit, despite the tremendous damage caused by other great tsunami, such as the Meiji Sanriku Great Tsunami in 1896, the Showa Sanriku Earthquake and Tsunami in 1933, and the Chilean Earthquake and Tsunami in 1960.
The damage and experience from this great earthquake was far beyond anything the still young junior high school students could have imagined. But as descendants of those past survivors, the Kesen Junior High school students have not forgotten their hopes and dreams despite the great hurt in their hearts, and their wish to rebuild their home community is deeply conveyed in many of the accounts.
I express my heartfelt gratitude to the LD SIG for being involved in the translation into English of the collection of children’s accounts, as well as to each and every person for their efforts and support. At the same time, I would be very glad if reading this English translation of the children’s accounts becomes an opportunity for helping readers worldwide to know of the horrors of a great tsunami and to raise their awareness of disaster prevention as a daily matter, and thereby to think about how to protect from disasters people important to them, their loved ones, their family, girlfriend or boyfriend, friends—and themselves.
Although they were young junior high school students when they wrote their accounts, all the students have grown up to become outstanding high school students. The citizens of this city have come together and are determined to work quickly towards restoration and reconstruction in a way that can reflect all of the support we’ve received, and I hope that you will continue to support us.
In closing, I wish for the good health and future prosperity of people from all over the world who have read this collection of children’s accounts.
October 2014
Rikuzentakata City Kesen Junior High School
Former PTA President
Kazutoshi Musashi