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1-14 First-Year Girl


   On the day of the earthquake, I was in the classroom at my primary school. My classmates and I had finished rehearsing a song for graduation and we were now chatting to each other in the classroom. I'm sensitive to earthquakes, so I was quick to hear sounds from the ground. Usually, whenever I hear the sounds, an earthquake soon follows, but it didn't come and the sounds continued. Then, the earthquake hit. I felt it before the teacher did, and we all got under our desks right away. I thought it was just a small quake that would be over soon. But the shaking got violent. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. Textbooks fell out of my desk, a vase fell over, and the wall started to crumble. The principal came running and told us to evacuate to the school yard immediately. Since I'd just been watching the TV news about the earthquake in New Zealand, I'd been wondering what I'd do if I was in an earthquake. I had never seen the ground crack before, but there were cracks in the school yard when we evacuated. Some kids were crying and others were struck dumb with surprise. One boy, acting quite differently from usual, comforted another kid who was crying, telling him that we were safe and not to cry.

   My mother soon came to pick me up, so I was with my family. The radio in the car was all about the earthquake. Even from inside the car, I could still feel the aftershocks. I thought even if a tsunami did come, the floodgate would block it and we would be able to get home by tomorrow. In the school yard of the elementary school, a member of the local fire brigade was saying that the tsunami had made it past Kittate and told us to get to higher ground. So we ran up to the nursery school, which was higher than the elementary school. Along the way, I looked out over a field and down towards Kami-osabe and saw that a large quantity of water had made it over the trees and was swirling in whirlpools. As I looked in the direction of my house from behind the nursery school, a high wall of swirling water spilled over the floodgate, devastating a mountain, and washing away everything in its path.

   We went back to the elementary school and learned it was safe, and then I went to the Osabe Community Center next to the school. There were local people and friends whose houses had been washed away. At the time, some members of a women's society gathered and went to houses with rice and food to eat. Although we lived in the same area, we didn't usually have anything to do with each other, but people were helping each other.

   I could learn many things from the disaster. I found out that people in Osabe could cooperate with anyone and accomplish anything. I lost many things in this disaster, but I got a lot out of it. I learned about the kindness of people across the region and the importance of family and friends, among other things. I'll never forget my gratitude for the people who provided aid, and I hope to lead a cheerful, happy, and cooperative life.

1-14 中1女子







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