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3-31 Third-Year Boy


   It happened during graduation rehearsal when I was trying to listen to the teacher after we had finished singing Daichi Sansho [1]. The shaking started. Everyone was just standing there. The shaking gradually got stronger. The teacher yelled for us to evacuate, so all at once, we did. As we ran away, I saw the gallery wall of the gym collapse. So I was worried that the utility poles would fall over as well.

   We went to the first evacuation site. From there, we could see the tide receding. The teacher told us to go to higher ground, so we hurriedly fled up the hillside road. I wondered if a wave would come up behind us. We took refuge on the mountain and didn’t come down until evening. When we were at the Futsukaichi Community Center, my aunt came to get me. We went to Choenji, a temple that was nearby. At first there were a few people, but the number of people gradually increased. We spent the night there. There were aftershocks at night and I couldn’t sleep. At that time, I was worried about my family. Later, I heard that my father had taken shelter at Takata Daiichi Junior High and my younger sister was at Gassan Shrine. I stayed at Choenji Temple until the 15th.

   Afterwards, they said that the elementary school students would be taken by bus to Osabe Elementary School and I rode along. There was debris everywhere. All of the people from Teppo-cho were put together in a second-year room at Osabe Elementary School. So I stayed there with my aunt and little sister. It looked like aid supplies weren’t coming soon and there was little food. On the 19th, my mother came to get us. My sister and I went to Yoshihama and stayed at my mother’s family home. At first, we didn’t have any running water, but it returned quickly, as did the electricity. It had been a long time since we had running water and electricity. I attended Yoshihama Junior High School for about a week. I studied with people I knew. It was fun.

   On May 1st, my entire family moved into an empty house owned by a relative who was at sea. The next day, I started going to Kesen Junior High School after such a long time. The school bus from Kami-sugoroku was full of people. I was able to see my classmates for the first time in a while. We now live in temporary housing in Takekoma and there is nothing inconvenient about living there.

   This experience reminded me how precious life is. I learned that it is important to gather information quickly if an earthquake occurs and to evacuate quickly if a tsunami is predicted. When I become a high school student, I want to study and work hard so that I can get a job in the future.

1. "Hymn of Praise to Mother Earth," a popular choir piece sung by Junior High School students in their annual school choir competition or graduation ceremony

3-31 中3男子





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